She Made Love Again

It had been a while since she had been in there. The place was dusty now, and cobwebs lined the ceiling and doorway. The oven was starting to rust too. Her kitchen had deteriorated for lack of use.

To make matters worse, she didn't feel at all like cooking. She was sure she'd forgotten how and she felt too tired to learn or try. What was the point anyway..? She knew he wouldn't appreciate it. And he sure as hell didn't deserve it.

But the Voice compelled her on... Clean the kitchen... It had stirred her from her sleep, where she'd been dreaming of baking her favourite cake. Though she had never baked in her life, somehow she knew the recipe. Don't worry, I'll teach you, the Voice went on.

Start with a little kindness, the Voice said. Add a big dose of contentment, and a handful of humility. Now, stir the mixture, It continued. Get a spoonful of gentleness and one pitcher of selflessness and add to the mix.

Stir a long while to remove the lumps and excess air. Sprinkle compassion and truthfulness, before you pour the mixture into the pan called Hope. Make sure it is greased with Faith first, and that the oven temperature is set at Purity.

She followed all the directions. She didn't even realise she had all these ingredients in her kitchen! Nor that her oven could be set to such a high temperature. She was starting to believe again. She smelt the mix, and it was promising. As she poured the mixture into the pan, she felt Hope enter her heart once more.

She put the pan in the oven, and wondered how long it would take. This recipe can never be rushed. You must have patience. But she was already weary. All the kindness, gentleness and selflessness she had put in did not seem to be making a difference. She would continually go and check if the mix had risen yet.

It shall not rise with observance. But by your long suffering, you shall bear fruit. Love never fails.

So she continued in hope, bearing all things, believing all things and enduring all things (1 Corinthians 13:7). Though her efforts in the kitchen seemed to go unnoticed, before her strength was gone, the home was filled with the aroma of what she'd been baking. It was almost done.

He came down wondering what was smelling so beautifully! Though she was in her old gown, with her hair caught in a net, and her face devoid of any make-up, he had never seen her more beautiful. Is this the woman he married? Neglect meant that he no longer recognised her. He cried as he realised the evil he had done to her. He hadn't even noticed when she started cleaning the kitchen and changing her ways.

She smiled at him as she brought out the Cake she had been baking. It stood firm and tall, and looked very inviting. Gently, she went to him and said: "I'm sorry you missed out on the preparation... but I would love very much if we could decorate it together!" And that is what they did.

They made love often, and their love never did run out again.

Photo credit:

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3 thoughts on “She Made Love Again”

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